
...............................................................Welcome from Albie Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska,........................................................
Eric Kennedy, Jimmy Lane and all of us at 
the Online Marketing Academy!


YBY Goals

Goals help you get moving in the right direction! 




A: GOALS Beginning With SHG - Go HERE
B: GOALS Beginning With GDI - Go HERE 
C: GOALS Beginning With HBA - Go HERE.
D: GOALS Beginning With PLS - Go HERE  

A Positive Mental Attitude


Remember, you can do this in your spare timepart time 
or full time. You just need to understand the correct
strategy to succeed: 

"A bad attitude is like a flat tire.
You can't get very far unless you change it.


Think about this: 

The Success System That Never Fails.

First you need INSPIRATION to take action.
Second you need "Know-how" to begin the action correctly
Third you need "Activity-knowledge" or experience and practice
(from doing it over and over again) to succeed with the action. 

Keep in mind that your Thoughts effect your Emotional Feelings
Your Emotional Feelings effect your Habits.
Your Habits effect your Actions
Your Actions effect your Results

Emotional Feelings

Start off thinking about your Thoughts

"If my mind can concieve it and my heart can believe it,
then I know I can achieve it
Napolean Hill

Your thoughts and emotional feelings effect your HABITS

In order to create a habit, focus on doing something easy
every day
. Don't make it hard or intimidating. Keep in 
mind it's NOT so much about the activity, it's about creating 
the habit

Your habits will make or break you.

That's why its so important to read inspiring things each
day to motivate you so that you will develope those habits that will
drive your actions to create successful results in time.

If you do ten activities each day, try to make each of these
succesfful. Better to do two or three things successfully
each day then 10 incomplete.

The more things you can do each day successfully, the better.
But don't burn yourself out. Just go at a good pace and complete
each action you do successfully.


Many successfully completed actions will accumulate each week and 
create more and more overall success! 


A Written Plan of Action

Now you're going to contact your Sponsor and go over 
your written goals with them. :) 
However, before you write them down consider a few things: 

How much TIME do you have to work on your business? 

You can work this in your spare time, part-time or full-time!
How many hours per day/week do you want to work on it?
One hour a day? Two hours, three or four?
Or just a few hours on a Saturday...

It honestly doesn't matter what you decide, but whatever
time you choose, just make sure you keep it consistently!

Why? Because it's the HABIT that counts the most here
(not the time you spend). Good habits will make you, and bad 
habits will break you. 

How much money do you have to invest in your business? 

This is an important question because the bigger your online
assets are, the more money you can potentially earn. 
the better your tools are, the more effective you can become. 

PLS gives you most of the tools you need to succeed. However, 
AWeber is another tool that greatly helps your emails have a better 
delivery rate. There are also advertising tools that can help you
and so forth. 

Now continue below: 







We will also be here for you to help
you personally 1:1 with your funnel at every step!


We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692

Leaders Training Link HERE